Here are a Bunch of pictures of Lukas (from the beginning till now). There are a lot more, I will post those later! For now enjoy! I had a really hard time going through all these pictures. Maybe it was a combination of the music I was listening to, I don't know. I just got all emotional looking at that sweet boy and his big brother. The thought that he has to go through all of this just breaks my heart. He is such a little trooper though, he is always laughing and playing, even though he doesn't feel good. I hope you enjoy looking at these as much as I did.

Santa and Mrs. Clause came to visit in the Hospital!
I have to tell Heather how much I look up to her. She is doing so well with this. She never gets a break, taking care of this sick boy and his brother, who has been sick the last couple of weeks also. She never complains never asks for help, she just does it, and with a smile and a good attitude. I cant imagine having to do that day in and day out. Its hard enough being a mom but for all this on top of it. I'm really proud of you Heather and I really admire your strength and your faith. I would hope that we can all learn something from her.
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