Conquering Neuroblastoma

“Faith in something greater than ourselves enables us to do what we have said we'll do, to press forward when we are tired or hurt or afraid, to keep going when the challenge seems overwhelming and the course is entirely uncertain.”
President Gordon B. Hinckley

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Lukas Update 12*22*07

Well, here it is, two days until Christmas!

It's been a fairly good week. Lukas started getting more uncomfortable and fussy earlier this week so we took him into the ER Tuesday night to have his counts checked and make sure he wasn't getting any infections. Everything was clear and he was starting to get anemic (sp?) but counts weren't low enough for a transfusion so we were sent off with a nice diagnosis of "irritability"!

We rescheduled his clinic for 10:45 Thursday morning figuring he would be ready for a transfusion by that time and sure enough, he was. After about an hour into the transfusion he started feeling a LOT better and just wanted to play! I think Will liked it because all the nurses came over and were fawning over him and how cute he was (Lukas, not Will-sorry Will, you are cute too...) but they pulled out the excersaucer play station for him and he was in heaven! He found a fun new game to play with Uncle Will.... spinning in circles in one direction and getting his line as kinked as he could so Will would have to spin him back the other direction to unkink it. He loved it! The transfusion took about 4 hours and with all the waiting that comes with these visits, we didn't get out of there until 5:15 that night. I wasn't too upset though. The blood made such a big difference in how Lukas felt. (Red blood cells for those of you wondering what exactly he got)

He's just been playing and having a good time since then. Once everyone got home from work and school yesterday, we got to take Theron out and get our Christmas shopping done. It was nice to get Theron out of the house again with Mommy and Daddy for his own special time. Theron is getting a new molar in too! A "colar" as he calls it.

As we get into the Christmas holiday, I hope that each and everyone of you that has helped us out, prayed for our family or just thought about us is blessed a million fold for your kindness, generosity and love. I know I say this all the time, but I really am speechless. I don't know what else to say, other than thank you for all that you have done. I really can't imagine going through this without your help and prayers. We are so very fortunate to have such loving, giving family and friends, and even strangers! We are blessed more than I could have ever imagined.

I know that Heavenly Father knows each of you and knows all the good works and deeds that you do for others and it's my prayer that you are rewarded with all the blessing you stand in need of and have the most wonderful Christmas holiday. We love you all so very much!

Kurt, Heather, Theron and Lukas
MacDonnell Crew

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